Check out my interview on The Profitable Graphic Designer Podcast!
Kady Sandel and I talk about earning $20k/ month while only working 20-30 hours per week.
Check out my interview on The Design Business Show!
Melissa Burkheimer and I talk about using PowerPoint in your business!
Check out my interview on The Design Domination Podcast!
Colleen Gratzer and I talk about how to make more money (and work less) in graphic design!
Check out my interview on The Brand Strategy Podcast!
Bonnie Bakhtiari and I talk about the power of creating clarity on your specific definition of success!
Check out my interview on The Dollar Sprout Podcast!
Megan Robinson and I talk about how to build a wildly profitable $300k a year presentation design business as an introvert!
Check out my interview on The That Will Never Work Podcast!
Maurice Chism and I talk about my business success and how to earn big with PowerPoint .
Check out my interview on The Ready Yet Podcast!
Erin Marcus and I talk about finding balance and growth in your business!